A three hour, small group, ‘sit around the table’ workshop to get to know your camera better. You’ll learn about shutter speeds, aperture, ISO, flash and setting your camera up for optimum quality. £30 per person – enquiries via my Contact Page
This workshop is suitable for all cameras, all ages and abilities. However, some cameras are so automated that all you can do is click to shoot; if you’re concerned about your cameras functions please email and I can advise.
Usually we meet in a town centre cafe (to be arranged nearer to the workshop). Then, with your camera in hand, you’ll learn about the following through group and 121 tuition:
- Shutter speed – example of how it works; example prints.
- Aperture – example of how it works; example prints to illustrate aperture effect on images and relationship with lens.
- ISO – what used to be film speed but is now a gauge for sensitivity of photosensitive cell. Relate this to quality of image produced (grain/noise). Also show relationship between ISO, shutter speed and aperture.
- Focus – practical examples of fast and slow shutter. Also classic and technical examples as postcard sized prints. Relationship to aperture. Auto or manual? Spot or average?
- Exposure – importance of correct exposure. Using the camera’s viewer as a guide. Overcoming limitations of auto exposure. Spot vs average. Which exposure mode?
- File types and size: jpeg (quality) tiff and raw
- Colour balance (auto or manual)
- Media card
- Flash / fill-in
We finish with a Q&A plus a summary of what has been learned. – enquiries via my Contact Page