Photo Workshops this Summer

I?ll be running a lot of photography workshops/courses over the summer. Every Tuesday in June and July. The Morning workshops are designed as a basic introduction to digital photography; learning to gain control over your camera, shutter speeds, aperture, iso, flash etc, setting it up for optimum quality under any given lighting, and making better pictures through composition. The Afternoon sessions are based around photographing landscape and the natural environment. This workshop is designed for someone who has a basic knowledge of how to use their camera but now wants to experience the natural landscape in a personal and creative way.

On Wednesday July 22nd I?m doing a special one day workshop exploring triptychs and the constructed image. I?ll will be using historic and contemporary examples and sharing my own experience in this one day workshop. A basic knowledge and experience of using your own digital camera is required for this day. A detailed itinerary for the workshop will be available soon. See my website for details:

Also I?ll be leading, with Caroline Preston a couple of residential courses, developing and exploring photographic techniques, at Beaford Arts. The first one?s for school years 9-11 and starts 10:00 Thursday 30th – 16:00 Friday 31st July and the second is for school years 6-8 and starts 10:00 Monday 3rd – 16:00 Tuesday 4th August. Details are here: also whilst you?re there check out my pages as a Beaford Artist: and: thanks to Jane at Beaford for these!

Talking of which I?ll also be having an exhibition of current work there during the last week of July and the first week of August. And I?ll be running some very special workshops for adults at Beaford over the weekend of 1st and 2nd August, I haven?t fully planned it yet, but think camera-less, so if there?s anything you?d like me to cover let me know; details will arrive here as soon as it?s all finalised.

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